[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion][vc_tta_section title=”A” tab_id=”1474545623984-c0e304a0-080b”][vc_column_text]
A fancy restaurant – you are in high social status
Abandonment: you’re in a good relationship
Accident: a problem whose solution requires a lot of energy
Acorn: Watch for good news after a long wait
Ads, posters: high personal awareness and understanding the surrounding
Adultery: selfishness, betrayal of others
Agreement: You must be faithful to your principals
Air: spiritual and emotional enlightenment.
Analysis: You are not at peace with your actions
Angel: a period of high spirit, intuition and good judgments
Angry nurse – expect health problems
Ants: little trouble
Aries: Satisfaction with situation
Arrow: Expect a message
Art: Watch your ambitions fulfilled
Artist: hidden artistic abilities, artistic knowledge unused
Ashes: Watch for new beginnings
Autumn: difficult time ahead
Ax: If you are holding an ax – Financial benefits are expected
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”B” tab_id=”1474545624088-abf2bc98-a4bd”][vc_column_text]
Baby: a new beginning, a good idea
Back: a sense of warmth and security, someone is plotting against you
Backpack: emotions, contents of the bag indicates the types of emotions
Ball: a period of spiritual and physical integrity
Balloon: self-disappointment, disappointment, other people’s promises
Banana: minor difficulties you
Bank: financial problems, economic prosperity
Bathroom: Clean of negative emotions, health
Bay: pleasure, love and security
Beach: spiritual increase
Beads: good opportunities in front of you
Bees: good signs for the near future
Beggar: disappointment of friend
Bill: Receive a bill – Expect a period pangs of conscience
Bills – large successes
Billy goat: economic difficulties ahead
Bird nest: love, warmth and confidence
Birth: New options ahead of you
Black Cat – Expect a happy event
Black swans: marital problems
Blood: You’re bleeding – unnecessary energy loss
Boss: your inner critic, audio intuition
Bridge: You are standing in front of before a significant decision that will change your life, a problem you need to solve by yourself.
Broken doll – a health problem, bad luck
Broken glass – disaster will come soon
Broken Mirror – disappointment and luck of success
Broken or fall – problems you cannot solve alone
Broken toys – emotional maturity
Broken window – a spiritual problem, a failure in love
Broom: you clear negative emotions
Bubble bursting – sobering illusions
Bubble: inside your world illusions
burglar: bad physical or emotional exploitation adversely
Burial: New Beginnings, burying the old features
Burn: excessive self-criticism, conflict with those around
Bus: You let other people dictate your way.
Butterflies: Freedom of commitment, spiritual uplift
Rainbow in the sky – a time of spiritual and material growth
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”C” tab_id=”1474546346790-56a81cee-6883″][vc_column_text]
Colors (meaning) in the dream –
• Red – energy, internal force
• Gray – fear of the unknown, unclear status
• Pink – love, warmth and affection
• Gold – light and Higher awareness, divine truth
• Brown – materialism
• Green – increase spiritual growth and awareness
• Blue – high spirituality
• Silver – Spiritual Protection
• Orange – energy and serenity, peace of mind
• White – true virtue
• Purple – wisdom and knowledge
• Yellow – peace of mind, insight
• Black – the unknown, hidden
Cage: fear of failure
Cake: health, success and good fortune
Camel: financial difficulties and social problems are coming
Captain: You take responsibility
Cards: confused period, View the sudden changes
caressing: love, support and care
Carpentry (Carpenter): Expect difficulties
Carpet: material and spiritual success
Cat: someone plots to fail you
Chain: a period of obstacles in front of you
Cheese: excessive concern and unnecessary disappointment
Chewing: stubbornness, unwillingness to except help
Children: innocence, joy, naive
Chocolate: expect a happy event
Cigarette: something or someone affect you adversely
Circle: lack of material progress
Cleansing mud – recovery from illness, health
Clenched hand – anger and quarrel
Close – You missed a good opportunity
Close window – you march on the spot
Closed – Difficulty progress, problems in relationships
Closed briefcase – you are closed spiritually to your environmentally
Closet Close: Lack of motivation
Closet Open: motivation, choice, spirituality
Coffin: you bury part of the past and start something new
Cold: insensitive to the surrounding
Color: harmony and energy
Confession: You are cleaning negative feelings and forgiving yourself you’re your mistakes
Cough: you let go negative feelings
Crack: Your secrets are about to reveal
Cracked glass – you expect help
Crown: high self-esteem
Curtain: you ignore a problem, and hiding your negative qualities from others
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”D” tab_id=”1474546349076-f8b9d4aa-3692″][vc_column_text]
Dam: emotional blockage
Dance: spiritual increase, a sense of freedom
Deafness: You dream you’re deaf – you refuse to accept responsibility or authority
Death: A New Beginning
Deer: wealth, travel and success
Demon: spiritual development
Dessert: material needs, self-concern
Detective: You are looking for answers
Diamond: expect income from an unexpected source
Digging a hole in the ground – self-searching.
Dirt: confused period in your life
Dirty hand – you are not honest with yourself
Disagreement: the inability to make a decision, indecision and lack of wholeness with actions
Disease: something is cheating on you
Disloyalty: love, fear of marital status change
Dismissal: Forces renewal
Dispose garbage – cleansing negative feelings
Doll: health, luck, harmony
Door: open – expect many opportunities and successes
Dragon: wealth and economic prosperity
Drinking milk – Overcoming health problem
Driving: You control what is happening around you
Drowning: you drown – Expect family problems
Dumb person: you do not express yourself correctly
Dying: You can’t keep your promises
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”E” tab_id=”1474546353155-ef052e91-f47a”][vc_column_text]
Eagle: high spiritual power, a sense of freedom, excepting responsibility
Earrings: Play your intuition
Earthquake – affected psychologically, a period of confusion.
East: a new romantic beginning
Eating fish – shows happiness and prosperity
Eating: education, concern, lack of knowledge
Eavesdropping: Listening to the conversation of others – expect changing good luck
Echo: Expect a message from friend or relative
Elephant: Use your life experience
Embrace: Self-love and nurturing
Enemy: luck is being ready for the chance.
Engagement: unrequited love, separation
Escape: a problem chasing you (see Common Dreams)
Evening: concern for the future
Execution: a new beginning in life separation of old qualities
Explosion: a big problem is expected in your marital life
Eye: high spiritual awareness, the ability to clairvoyance
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”F” tab_id=”1474546356607-bbe8c830-1fdb”][vc_column_text]
Face: Dealing with a close problem
Failure: success and self-criticism
Fall: low self-confidence, decrease energy
False: You collect unnecessary problems
Fan: successful love Adventures
Farm: Expected social and material successes
Father: happiness, success, adolescence.
Feces: negative features, superstition
Feet – difficulties expected in the way you are going
Figs: tenacity and survival
Fingers: delicate and smooth – love success
Fire: Caution, danger lurking you
Fireworks: an early triumph feelings, Expect difficulties
Fish in water – expect a spiritual enlightenment
Fish: a problem is expected
Flood (rain): a spiritual dissatisfaction about romantic, strife and intrigue
Floor: ground condition reflects the basis of your life, stable or unstable
Flowers: joy luck and success
Fly: you ignore little things that bother you
Flying (levitation) high levitation – Rising energy and spirituality
Flying low – low spiritual energy
Fog: a temporary ambiguity of the situation
Food: spiritual and emotional nourishment, the type of food indicates shortage you have
Forest: growth ability, enter into the unknown, taking responsibility
Fountain: great happiness
Furniture: Meeting ideas and beliefs
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”G” tab_id=”1474546363869-5c0eaf4e-1370″][vc_column_text]
Garbage: a pile of garbage – negative emotions
Gate: new options ahead
Gemstone: prosperity, happiness, luck and love.
Giant: you are the giant – you are progressing correctly to the target
Giveaway: not true to your principles
Glass: You think about yourself
Gloves: someone gossiping about you or plotting against you
Glue: a sense of confidence in Love
Gold chain – material success
Grave: You weaned negative features
Gray (color): uncertainty, low energy, fear
Green fields: economic growth and prosperity
Greeting card: good opportunities ahead of you, listen to the advice of other
Greeting: progress and spiritual growth, love, need to clean up negative emotions
Guest: hidden ability occasionally we can you from time to time
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”H” tab_id=”1474546365197-75e69a12-7d8f”][vc_column_text]
Hair: Energy
Hall: a major decision for the future.
Hand: Examine your actions
Handcuffs: You bound to the problem and cannot solve it yourself
Handle: expect the end of a task or project successfully
Heart: a new relationship will begin soon
Hen: romantic period ahead
Herb: growth and success expected
Herbs: health concern
High-rise buildings: Business, success
Hill: difficulties on the way
Hive: View success following an effort
Holiday: Expect happy event
Honey: success is expected beyond expectations
Horseshoe: prosperity and luck
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”I” tab_id=”1474546367360-eeffb4c1-a198″][vc_column_text]
If someone else grabs an ax – financial losses are expected
If someone else is a soldier – you should listen to other’s advice
In still Waters – Peace of mind
In still Waters – Peace of mind
Incense: high spiritual awareness
Iron Ring – low energy, need for change
Iron: difficulty, impatience, sorrow
Ironing: welfare and improvement in economic conditions or material
Island: isolation, loneliness, sadness, environmental problems
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”J” tab_id=”1474546368277-94718197-d293″][vc_column_text]
Jealousy: fear of changes in marital status
Jewelry: expect happy events
Joker playing cards – an economic success
Joker: success is expected
Jungle: difficulties and quarrels, conflicts and intrigue
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”K” tab_id=”1474546369261-f8a27e16-6e29″][vc_column_text]
KING: high awareness, raising spirituality, control in your life
Kiss: need for love, affection and warmth
Knife: You must decide an important decision
Knot: inability to understand the situation
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”L” tab_id=”1474546370253-4e92b64f-0ce3″][vc_column_text]
Lake, pond: If the water is muddy – difficulties, low energy. If the water is calm – peace of mind.
Land: material pleasures, spiritual stability.
Laundry: You cleaned negative features
Leg: economic performance
Lemons: difficult quarrels
Letter: Self-understanding, Expect a joyful message
Light rain – success in romantic
Lighthouse: unnecessary concern in a peaceful period
Lizard: Someone is cheating on you
Loaf of bread (or challah): putting an effort gaining spiritual profit
Losing money – your plans fail
Love: a need for attention, warmth and fondness.
Luxury: unexpected financial problems
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”M” tab_id=”1474546371959-177c0cec-f014″][vc_column_text]
Magnet: spiritual business success
Mail – Expect news for from overseas
Map: Upcoming changes in residence or work
Mask on your face – you’re running away from the truth
Mask: lies, fraud, scams
Matches: financial benefits will be expected soon
Meal: mental or emotional state of spiritual, type of food indicates a problem requires a solution
Meat: raw
Menstruation: loss of energy, effort without return
Milk: Those who plot against you fail
Mirror: You are reflected in the mirror – an exaggerated self-esteem
Moldy pear – ending a period of happiness and prosperity.
Money (coins) – small successes
Monk: a period of spiritual development
Moon: confidence, inner peace, love, peace of mind, a period of raising positive energy.
Mount: unexpected disruptions of plans
Mouse: problem with relative
Mouth: Be careful what you say
Mud: inability to progress, material issue, lack of confidence
Murder: The End of an era or contact
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”N” tab_id=”1474546373005-cc795af5-0c1c”][vc_column_text]
Nails: someone is looking to trip you up
Neck: striving for success
Needle: a small but bothering problem in front of you
Nettle: Be careful of physical injury, healing and health
Newspaper: message on your daily life
Night: you ignore things around you
Nudity: You fear the truth
Nurse (hospital): Good Health
Nuts: expected success, love and happiness.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”O” tab_id=”1474546374034-43d9f1f9-d5d4″][vc_column_text]
OAR: difficulties before success
Octopus: Beware those around you
Old or torn – you on the wrong way
Old: wisdom and experience
Olives: Expect financial income from an unexpected source
Open wallet – Your secrets are about to reveal
Ostrich: You must face difficulties to continue
Other bleeds – you have the ability to help spiritually
Oven: spiritual raising
Owl: wisdom, an ability to judge situation
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”P” tab_id=”1474546374918-8387f956-899e”][vc_column_text]
Package: unexploited spiritual and artistic capabilities
Pain: Health and speedy recovery
Parents: accumulated life experience
Pear: prosperity and success.
Pearl: Investment followed by Success
Phone: Ringing – expect a message from far away
Picture: self aspect
Pillow: material and spiritual comfort
Pit: failed you
Police: guilt feelings
Pregnancy: A new idea is formed and is to be realized
Purse: you hide little secrets
Pyramid: a desire to spiritual enlightenment, a dream come true
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Q” tab_id=”1474546375726-c5b3d129-d169″][vc_column_text]
Quarrels: prosperity and love
Queen: spiritual mentoring capacity to others
Quiet sea- a period of high energy
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”R” tab_id=”1474546376495-cbbef1eb-8703″][vc_column_text]
Rabbi: the spiritual teacher within you
Raft: Low intuition, inability of judgment
Rain: heavy rain – problems love life and relationship
Rape: loss of energy, you let others affect you negatively, exploitation
Rat: Beware of intrigue and plots
Raven: fear of the unknown
Restaurant: social class
Ripe peaches: Love Prosperity
Rock: lack of spiritual progress
Roof: a sense of warmth, success and economic prosperity
Rose: the beginning of a romantic affair
Rough and weird- you are about to fail the project
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”S” tab_id=”1474546377989-bb774d74-fe31″][vc_column_text]
Sailing: – : In stormy waters – a general instability
Salt: new friendships, renew old relationship
Satan: infidelity, intrigue
Scar: emotional injury
Scissors: You must get rid of a custom or negative character, disappointments and quarrels
Scorpio: Be careful, a good friend betrays you
Scratching: a problem which drags fears and panics
Sea: energy
Ship: if in stormy waters – a general instability. If in calm water – peace of mind.
Shoes: new – you on the right track
Short hair – low energy
Shot (stab): You will have a little problem, you’ll need to seek help to overcome it
Shovel : Self-cleaning of negative features, a new beginning
Signature: You’re at peace with yourself and those around you
Sink: negative thoughts
Skating on roller skates: a period of instability
Sleep: are you going to sleep – need mental rest
Snail: a slow progress to success your cause
Snake: enemy, a health problem, someone wants to harm you
Soap: Imperfection in actions or thoughts, feelings purification
Soldier: If you are the soldier – you must enter regime, supervision or
Someone else holds the wheel – you avoid taking responsibility
Someone else is drowning – somebody need your advice
Someone else is getting married – a period of happiness
Sorrow: expect a good period in your life
Spoon: happiness and material security
Squirrel: use others assistance to solve problems
Star: A wish come true
Sting: annoying little problems
Stone: a steady-state period.
Stormy sea – issues affect your energy
Strabismus: bad judgment
Strange hand – you are doing wrong things
Sugar: economic well-being, pleasure and happiness
Suggestion: consider carefully any suggestions you get
Suitcase: a mirror to the soul, the contents of the suitcase indicates feelings
Sun: Success, personal capabilities
Sunrise: Expect new beginnings
Swing: a period of ups and downs in energy
Synagogue: rise spiritual insight
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”T” tab_id=”1474546378892-78866b32-bd2e”][vc_column_text]
Table: Material pleasures
Tailor: Upcoming changes in ideas
Talk on the phone – you have good opportunities ahead
Tank: aggressive and aggression a need for protection
Tap: a period of sadness
Tea: peace of mind after a period of ups and downs
Tears: Watch a happy event that will make you happy
Teeth: white – success in solving problems
Telescope: things are not really as they Look
Tent: a period of material and spiritual instability.
Thunder: You create problems for yourself
Tiger: mental and spiritual strength
Toad (frog): You are about to lose property
Tomatoes: successful relationship
tongue: High self-expression
Toys: a time of happiness and joy
Traveling abroad – Expanding Horizons and wish fulfillment
Traveling, hiking: the way you drive yourself and others
Tumor: You must get rid of superstition
Turtle: a period of slow changes in your life
TV: A look at life and the way you deal with situations
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”U” tab_id=”1474546379781-8a784c73-492f”][vc_column_text]
Underwear: You’re protecting your characters
University: you learn from the people around you.
Unripe peaches – love dies
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”V” tab_id=”1474546380731-512dde95-9bfd”][vc_column_text]
Vacation: clear from ideas, beliefs and prejudices
Vampire: someone is using your energy, negative thoughts and worry, mistrust
Vine: time for success
Violin: a period of increased energy and peace of mind
Volcano: expect fights anger and intrigue with those around you
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”W” tab_id=”1474546382284-c813134a-cefe”][vc_column_text]
Waiter: Something needs your help
War: internal struggles with mixed feelings
Wasp: a problem
Watch: Trust your intuition
Wave – expect significant changes in energy level
Way: New Beginnings
Wedding Cake – renewal of old ties and strengthening existing relationships
Wedding: you are getting married – expect a separation from someone close
Wheel: expression of a wish coming true
wheel: grip indicates emotional control in your life
White dove: – happiness, prosperity and love
White swans: marital bliss
Wine: material success and comfort
Witch, magician: you overcome a problem created by something else
Wolf: Expect treason from a friend, you give up your principles
Workers restaurant– you are in low social status
Wound: Consider your plan again
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”X” tab_id=”1474546383369-2df5a211-cd0c”][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Y” tab_id=”1474546384345-a17afa3c-619d”][vc_column_text]
Yawn: health problem expected
You comb your hair – expect changes in energy
You dirty in the mud – a health problem
You write a letter – Expressing emotions
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Z” tab_id=”1474546385429-18eb7a75-0047″][vc_column_text]
Zodiac (Horoscope): many opportunities ahead