The Morrocan Saintly Amulets

Amulets from Morocco

In September 2005, I received a very strange phone call. when answering the phone there was a relative on the line who told me that I needed to get to Morocco to receive four amulets, these ancient amulets were written about 5 generations ago and they are designed for::
Fertility, health, mating and livelihoods..
I decided Of course to fly and receive these amulets.
(Images of the amulets and examining them) and the story of the amulets is instructive and strange, these amulets were written about 5 generations ago by the righteous (named Isaac) who wrote them in a unique way. For example:
The fertile belt amulet was written during 60 nights, where every single night he woke up at midnight and dipped himself in the mikvah to purify his body, after that he would write one word on the parchment of the belt, and This began the writing of the rest of the amulets.
These amulets are powerful and are made to fulfill wishes. For those who can not come to the Kabbalah center from either from Israel or abroad, you have an opportunity to also receive a blessing with the righteous amulet.
Every Thursday night after midnight, there will be a personal blessing to those who cannot come. Please send us your information including your email address .

* These amulets are priceless we do not sale them and we do not tag a price, although we do accept donations to be blessed by them and that also can be transferred by Pay Pal or Western Union. ( If you send your donation with pay pal then please send it with all your information including your email)..

First name, date of birth, mothers first name)
* please attach the type of blessing you are choosing towards the prayer
I receive dozens of positive responses following the use of the amulets, unfortunately I do not have time to add all of them.

Please click here to forward your personal information( First name, date of birth, mothers first name)
* please attach the type of blessing you are choosing towards the prayer
I receive dozens of positive responses following the use of the amulets, unfortunately do not have time to add them all.


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Fertility belt

Fertile belt is for women who find it difficult to get pregnant or seeking pregnancy blessed and safe. It says on the belt: “If a uterus in your midst, you’ll be pregnant. ”
The usage of the fertility belt is a few minutes. Need to light a candle, wear the belt around the waist and say a prayer that is written on parchment. After using, should give a donation, the usage is for free.

Health amulet

The health amulet wears around the neck of the sick person. Amulet hangs on a gold chain.
The patient needs to say a prayer that is written on parchment, but if the patient is unable to read the prayer, a relative or someone else (for a small child, a parent will say the prayer for example). After using the amulet a donation should be given
This amulet is very powerful. Patients, who were it and considered hopeless, rose to their feet, diseases which have not found the cause of them, passed away. Duration of use for several minutes, using free

Livelihood amulet

This amulet is designed for people without income or livelihood is in short supply.
People who stand before the opening of a new business, who want to ensure success, before signing a contract business. Someone who feels that he earns money without blessing. The livelihood amulet has to be tiedon the right arm (as tefillin) and say the prayer that was written specifically for this amulet. After using the donation should be given.
Use of several minutes duration, will bring livelihood, dignity and abundant on all amulet user’s. Use free.

Amulet for mating and relationship

This amulet is for anyone struggling to find a good marriage for any reason.
This amulet is particularly strong for individuals who want to find a mate or a spouse,
Couples who want domestic peace at home. This amulet made many couples get married after a spouse has used it. The amulet is held in the right hand in a loop of gold chain and read a prayer that was written specifically for this amulet.