Virtues and blessings

hamsaHouse cleansing
This talisman is designed for house environment purification. To carry out the purge, collect some rainwater in a container glass. It is recommended to keep rainwater in glass bottles and that are sealed with cork or plastic. Rainwater are considered pure, so it must not come in contact with any type of metal. Fill a plastic spray bottle (Such as a window cleaner spray bottle) with rainwater and spray the interior of the house once a month, after a visit from an unwanted guest, or someone that causes a feeling of negative energy. It is also advisable to spray the interior of the house when there is a sense of tension or conflict among family members. Rainwater should not mix with any other substances (fragrances, for instance). It is recommended to keep rainwater during the year in glass containers only.

Purification home or business from the evil eye
This is an action that purifies the house or business from the evil eye and maintains positive energy. Rinse the floor with sea water (salt water). Do not add other substances to the water. After rinsing, do not rinse the house floor (or business floor) again for a day. Repeat after a week, for a month. Eventually, the action takes place four times during the month.

Note: the owner, or the business owner, must bring the water from the sea, himself.

A talisman that breaks blocking or stopping the progress in life
Do you feel stuck in place? Do you feel like nothing is moving? Do you feel cursed?
This talisman will change the situation for the better. All you need is a blessed candle (The color does not matter), preferably a large one. Mark the candle and divide it into seven equal parts. You can mark the candle by mall incisions. Light the candle for seven days, so only one part will burn. Each day, while you burn the candle, it must be said: “The energy which this blessed candle releases, will release all the inhibitions in my life”. After the seventh day, bury the rest of the candle in the ground and say: “Here, I bury all my inhibitions and obstructions”.

A memory talisman
This talisman is for adults and children and is designed for a specific day. Highly recommended to use it before a job interview or a test. At night, before you go to bed, eat an unpeeled apple. Induce the apple seeds in half a glass of water, until the morning. First thing in the morning, before you do anything else, you need to drink the water. Wrap the seeds in aluminum foil, and put in your pocket or purse. At the end of the day, throw the wrapped seeds in the trash.

A travel protection talisman (For a good and safe car trip)
Write on a fig leaf “Bon voyage!” (Or “Godspeed!”). Add a garlic clove and a pinch of salt. Wrap in a red cloth and tie with a white string. Then, hide in the car.